
India's First Friendship App

India's First Friendship App


Here is How You Can Make Friends Online

How You Can Make Friends Online

We all must have heard the famous title track of friends the tv show. There is a line in that song which says “I’ll be there for you, when the rain starts to pour”. Don’t you feel that rain is the constant thing in our life? Rain of problems, heartbreaks, and sadness.

Let’s just accept the fact that life is hard and friends are the angels in this modern world to curb all our problem or at least make them easier. School was the easiest place to make a friend and college was also a good place, but once you step out of the college, making friends gets tough.

The reasons behind that are: You don’t know the person and you don’t get enough time to talk to them.
I believe these are the primary reasons, there can be more.

There is something which can help you making new friends, you know about it already. It’s the Internet. According to the recent studies around 5 billion people use internet every day. People are really curious about the ability of Internet and google. A lot of people search on the google: “How to make friends”, “How to make friends online” etc.

Google offers them a lot of options like signing up on Facebook, Instagram, snapchat etc, but the fact is none of them are really helpful when it comes to finding friends. Some websites and apps offer online dating but again users are finding nothing there.

What do you think could be the reason that despite being all these platform people are struggling to make new friends?

I guess the answer is interest. When you meet people online on these websites you don’t know much information about them, you don’t know what do they like and what do they hate. You talk to them and find out that your vibe is not matching with them or if you are residing in India you will get to know that the girl you are talking to from last year on Facebook is actually a boy. These websites started with the motive to connect people but has become a commercial business now.

A lot of people and companies tried to make internet a better place to find friends online but none of them have really succeeded till now. Companies are focusing on online dating and not on ways to make friends online.

We at Alyke are trying something different and we believe that it is the right way to connect you with friends who share your vibe. Here is how it is possible to find good friends online. You join alyke, put in your interests like gaming, movies, books, or anything. We will find you a person who have the same interests and according to our research, friends who have similar interests tend to stay together for a longer period of time. Our goal is to make internet a better place and make people find good friends.